Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin - Cheap!

You have to wonder about the spending power of some folks in these dreary economic times.

One of the items being given away to the highest bidder by a Los Angeles auction house is the original coffin of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Remember him? The guy who shot JFK? Or was he merely the guy who was killed because he was believed to have shot JFK? Either way, he's still long dead.

Now, the coffin he was buried in is up for sale, and the current high bid is $1,000.

This all might be a bit on the really weird side if you didn't know that the coffin is, at the moment, quite empty. That's right — this isn't the box that currently holds the body. No, this is the box that originally held the body.

Seems that conspiracy theorists had had enough and, not waiting even 20 years, had Oswald dug up in 1981, to prove once and for all that it really was him in the coffin and not some Soviet agent who happened to look just like him. (That might have been the only thing they proved, but that's a story for another day.)

So after Oswald was identified as himself, he was placed back in the ground — in a different casket this time — and that's the one in which his body still resides.

The coffin on auction is that original box and is much the worse for wear, having suffered water damage over the years. In fact, what you'll get if you win the auction isn't even the box as a whole, since the water damage has done the deed and created more than one piece. Still, as the auction house is quick to point, you do get all the pieces, and you could certainly have the pieces put together.

What you do with it is up to you. Why, you could even use it to store "magic bullets."

Act quickly, though: The Auction ends on December 18. Maybe by then we'll know everything about the Kennedy Assassination.

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